Thursday, July 15, 2010

Google Docs

I wondered how long I would do these "Things" in order.

I have had some experience working with documents (students data base & on-line registration) that were created in Google Docs. It has always sounded like some foreign thing in a foreign land when someone said, "It was made in Google Docs". I am glad it has been brought home to where I live (meaning I understand what it is, now). IT is the ability to create documents, spreadsheets, power points, etc. Then view, edit, review history of previous edits, and/or add to the item in one on-line location, Google Docs.

I have collaborated with my friend, she created the document, on possibilities for redecorating my office. My friend, always, remembers this and pushes me through the process. Isn't she great. I wanted to insert a table but settled for using Headers, bullets & pictures with text for my editing part of the collaboration.

I created a To-Do-List using a Google Docs template after viewing Mary W.'s invitation.

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