Thing #2 Web. 2.I
It is different from the past of linear test that we just read and many times accepted as being true or correct information.
Web 2.0 is ever changing and involves so many components. it is text, links, linking information, descriptions, exported information, sharing, automated, digital etc. It is alive. People make it alive. All of us make it alive when we add or utilize information that is on the web.
In a previous article I read. It says, we no longer go out in cyber world and look at information. We are a part of the information in the way we utilize & view.
I reflected on this and shared with my study partner that I had been a part of this and did not realize what I was doing. Our family has a family website (4 years, now)that is ever changing with new people signing in & out, looking at information/history about family members, census reports dating back to the 1800's about our various family members. This information updates adding births,deaths, marrieages, military, etc.) as each person adds their name to the family tree.
Furthermore, pictures from the past or present are added (by family members)and are cycled through the Home Page. These pictures can have a lot of information, a little or none. Pictures can be withdrawn, or copied into your own photo album.
Last year while attending the Family Reunion pictures were posted nightly from the days events so those family members who did not attend could see what we had done. Also, kick themselves for not being there for the fun.
I said all this to say. I get it. It is not 'sit & git' anymore when you go on the internet. We all are the web.
I watched the video titled:
The Machine is Using Us by Michael____________ (I will have to find the name and post again.)
Read an article:
Web 2 dot What? by Stephen Bryant (2007)
I haven't found out how to attach a link, yet. But, I will!! :)